Double Happiness

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Raise your glasses to this cheery cocktail.

The ingredient of Double Happiness

  • 120g caster sugar
  • 20 lychees peeled seeded
  • 4 mandarins approaching chopped later than skin on seeded
  • 125ml 1 2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice chilled
  • 360ml vodka chilled
  • crushed ice to benefits

The Instruction of double happiness

  • place sugar in a bowl increase be credited with 125ml 1 2 cup boiling water and move around to put an end to sugar ensue lychees and mandarins and leave to cool using a muddling stick or wooden spoon crush fruit slightly protest in lemon juice after that divide accompanied by 6 tall glasses
  • pour 60ml vodka into each glass stir after that fill once crushed ice and serve

Nutritions of Double Happiness

calories: 257 881 calories
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 31 grams carbohydrates
calories: 31 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 1 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: 8 39 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation